How my daughters raised money for the Haiti Earthquake by leveraging Monday, Feb 1 2010 

I am very proud of my daughters who raised some money for Haiti. Hally is 11 and Ashlyn is 14. Their youth leader from their youth group at church challenged the 30 kids to raise $1000 total for the whole group. This is an amount that all the kids agreed to.

Lots of kids had different ideas on how to raise the money. One of my daughters got a can and took it to school and collected from students and staff and she raised $40.oo, that is a great amount from collecting for 3 days. My other daughter raised over $1100. Here is what she did…


What happened when I got hit on? Tuesday, Dec 1 2009 

I used to get a lot of pleasure out of being hit on.. I admit it. I liked the attention. I felt good when a guy flattered me with attention, I felt attractive and powerful. It’s very powerful being able to call the shots because pretty much… where anything physical is involved, the women calls the shots.


Time Machine Tuesday, Sep 29 2009 

“Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted.” John Lennon

I have spent a lot of time lately reflecting on the past. When I looked up quotes about the past most of them addressed negative issues… whether our past holds us back or hangs over us or drags us down.  I didn’t like any of the quotes.

I agree that it’s not good to live in the past… it’s better to let the negative things go…. but what about the good things in our past? Shouldn’t we reflect on that sometimes?


I got married 20 years ago today. Thursday, Sep 17 2009 

On this day 20 years ago, I got married in Atlanta GA. Downtown. The church I got married in was later condemned, torn down and made into a parking lot. It’s hard to believe it was that long ago.

Things with that marriage didn’t work out. Neither did things with the second husband… or the boyfriend after that. There is a definite theme going on here. (more…)

My 9-11 Baby Friday, Aug 14 2009 

Today I’m celebrating my son’s birthday. He was born 14 August 2001. When I meet other moms who have a son or daughter who was born that same year I wonder if they felt the way I did back then.


What’s the big deal about Facebook? Thursday, Aug 13 2009 

Over a  year and a half ago my friend, Nancy, from college, kept inviting me to join Facebook. I kept thinking I didn’t want to join another web community. Then I came across my friend Andy on another website and he mentioned it, and that there were a lot of friends from college on there… so.. I relented.


The Church of Jesus Christ of Network Marketing Monday, Jul 6 2009 

Almost 2  years ago, I decided that I would like to open my options up for earning my own income. I was working part time at my sons school but I could only do 3 years at school. I wanted the option to work from home and be with my kids as they grow up. I started filling out those forms that people send in e-mails “work from home” and I found out that it’s a form letter for people who have network marketing businesses and they purchase a list that has your name on it. (more…)

Tools Thursday, Apr 16 2009 

As I was preparing some side dishes for a big family dinner this weekend, I had a lot of blending and slicing to do. (more…)

Investments Thursday, Feb 12 2009 

Hey that’s a big buzz word right now. Especially in this economy. So many people are concerned with their investments right now and are focused on salvaging.
