How my daughters raised money for the Haiti Earthquake by leveraging Monday, Feb 1 2010 

I am very proud of my daughters who raised some money for Haiti. Hally is 11 and Ashlyn is 14. Their youth leader from their youth group at church challenged the 30 kids to raise $1000 total for the whole group. This is an amount that all the kids agreed to.

Lots of kids had different ideas on how to raise the money. One of my daughters got a can and took it to school and collected from students and staff and she raised $40.oo, that is a great amount from collecting for 3 days. My other daughter raised over $1100. Here is what she did…


Serving in the Church. Saturday, Jan 9 2010 

If you have ever attended any sort of christian church for any length of time, you most likely have been asked to “serve” in the church. There are many areas for people to serve.. but … not really. There seems to be 4 major areas that you can serve in; worship (ushering, working the sound board, behind the scenes making sure things go smoothly), welcoming (greeters, bulletin passer outers, refreshment managers etc), set up (those churches who meet in buildings they don’t own and have to set up for all the glitz and glam band shows) and childrens ministries.Ya might even have some missions in there somewhere…

No one job is more important than another, these tasks are all needed to make a traditional service happen. People are needed to run these areas, and they should if that is what they desire.

Many people feel that they would like to serve in some way… some even feel guilty when they don’t “serve” in the way the church is set up. So what should someone do when they don’t haveĀ  a desire to serve in those areas? (more…)